Over the Thanksgiving holiday, the Manly Man and I decided to treat our oldest and youngest children, and their children, to a trip to Franklin, NC for a week. Please remind me that if I ever want to do that again...my husband will surely kill me. The 1, 2 and 8 years olds behaved much better than their parents. But, anyway...we escaped one afternoon by ourselves and found the most amazing salvage place. David Culpepper built this shop out of repurposed materials and it looks as though it's been there forever. When he told me he had been open less than a year, I couldn't believe it! He has the most amazing stuff. I'll let you scroll through the pix and see for yourself....
I took SO many pictures. I'll share more another time. But, if you're ever in the area, take the time to stop in and say hello to David Culpepper and browse thru his great place. You won't regret it!